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rated by 0 users
Sat, Dec 13 2014 9:59 PM (2 replies)
    1,249 Posts
    Sat, Dec 13 2014 2:03 PM

    just finished a tournament between the clubs GOLFOS STATES CUB and fug winners and the hole in ones.
    gulfs cub States has done a 128 score points and fug winners and the hole in ones de116 points.
    the question is that you have the victory and 600 points that have fewer points and the boys deserved to GOLFOS STATES CUB.
    please review this case and solucionenlo as it should. Thank you

  • WGTdbloshoe
    2,840 Posts
    Sat, Dec 13 2014 3:59 PM


    just finished a tournament between the clubs GOLFOS STATES CUB and fug winners and the hole in ones.
    gulfs cub States has done a 128 score points and fug winners and the hole in ones de116 points.
    the question is that you have the victory and 600 points that have fewer points and the boys deserved to GOLFOS STATES CUB.
    please review this case and solucionenlo as it should. Thank you

    There is a 100 point bonus to the club that has the highest individual score.  Sounds like they won that and defeated you 216 to 128.


    - WGTdbloshoe

  • courteneyfish
    15,796 Posts
    Sat, Dec 13 2014 9:59 PM
    It's a crazy system. Surely it would be fairer to add the 500 for winning first, then add the 100 for top contributer afterwards. Another reason why my club gave this one a swerve. That and it being too close to Christmas. That and WGT not listening to thousands of suggestions for making these clashes better. That and not giving enough warning of this so people could save their free pass....