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Re: Ultimate chance to buy balls

rated by 0 users
Fri, Dec 19 2014 9:23 AM (9 replies)
  • zagraniczniak
    1,984 Posts
    Sun, Dec 14 2014 1:49 AM

    Some time ago WGT introduced the reminder when the player is down to the last ball of a certain type, with a prompt to make an express purchase of another sleeve of the same balls to avoid switching to the starter balls.

    You could take this one step further and give the player a last chance to buy more of the same balls just AFTER the last ball expires or is lost, hit in the water or whatever.

    This is consistent with real life, because if you are playing the one-ball rule and you lose your last ball, you can replace it from any available source, such as the pro shop.

    As with the existing system, it would increase ball sales and reduce player frustration. It's a win/win.

    The player always ignore the offer and then revert to the starter ball.

  • nanstar
    4,914 Posts
    Sun, Dec 14 2014 2:12 AM


    You know it makes sense.

  • alosso
    21,093 Posts
    Sun, Dec 14 2014 2:44 AM

    You remind me of a priest captured on his house's roof in a big flood. He refuses to be rescued by a fire truck, by boat and by heli to the advantage of others, praying "God, rescue me!" repeatedly.

    Eventually, he drowns in the flood, and, meeting his maker, he complains: "I prayed for help but you didn't hear me!"

    God replys: "I sent you a truck, a boat, a heli - why did you refuse my help?"


    So, how many opportunities do you want to let go? One, maybe two or three? You know by the first time what may happen, so make up your mind to buy or don't, on your own authority.

  • nanstar
    4,914 Posts
    Sun, Dec 14 2014 2:50 AM

    Ok, peace already ffs

  • ScottHope
    10,645 Posts
    Sun, Dec 14 2014 3:14 AM

    You can visit the pro shop at any time during a round to top up your balls by opening a new browser tab/window.

  • zagraniczniak
    1,984 Posts
    Sun, Dec 14 2014 9:15 AM

    All true - just another chance to sell balls and keep peeps happy.

  • ISH47
    1,963 Posts
    Sun, Dec 14 2014 9:35 AM

    It's a solid idea if only to reduce the number of people that show up here complaining because they had to finish a round using the starter ball..

    Yes I know they shouldn't be complaining anyway but, it would be hard to if you hit your last ball into the drink and then there was a prompt asking you "are you sure you want to finish this round with a starter ball?"   : )

  • MichaelStroke
    2,066 Posts
    Sun, Dec 14 2014 7:07 PM


    You remind me of a priest captured on his house's roof in a big flood. He refuses to be rescued by a fire truck, by boat and by heli to the advantage of others, praying "God, rescue me!" repeatedly.

    Eventually, he drowns in the flood, and, meeting his maker, he complains: "I prayed for help but you didn't hear me!"

    God replys: "I sent you a truck, a boat, a heli - why did you refuse my help?"


    So, how many opportunities do you want to let go? One, maybe two or three? You know by the first time what may happen, so make up your mind to buy or don't, on your own authority.

    Ha!  I like it.

    How many chances to buy balls does someone need?  I think if some people had it their way, they'd get prompted every hole and declines would result in a pop-up box saying "are you sure?".

  • ApexPC
    3,164 Posts
    Mon, Dec 15 2014 11:54 AM

    And then another pop up that asks "Are you really sure?"

    Thank goodness WGT treats us like adults and not like children that have to repeatedly be reminded.

  • Boombastico
    29 Posts
    Fri, Dec 19 2014 9:23 AM

    declines would result in a pop-up box saying "are you sure?"

    And then another pop up that asks "Are you really sure?"


    ...but hopefully you have deactivated pop-up blocking functionality of your browser... completely... . *? ;-) ?*