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Re: GIMME's by low level players

Mon, Apr 23 2018 2:08 AM (8 replies)
    478 Posts
    Mon, Dec 15 2014 12:00 PM

    Does this option go at a certain lvl as it gets annoying when they take 12ft gimme's in head to head play

    thanks Cobrared

  • WGTadmin
    1,166 Posts
    Mon, Dec 15 2014 4:05 PM

    For the Pro tier and above players will not receive the gimmie option in ranked rounds, only practice rounds will this feature appear. The gimmie will only be available if the ball is 2 feet or less to the hole.

    Hacks are given the option to take a gimmie in all game modes if the ball is 10 feet or less from the hole.

    Amateurs are given the option to take a gimmie in all game modes if the ball is 4 feet or less from the hole.

    Please note that we are always analyzing whether the lengths should be lengthened or shortened so your suggestions are welcome.


    478 Posts
    Mon, Dec 15 2014 4:12 PM

    my personal opinion is that only hacks get gimmies in ranked games and only then if putt is under 4ft

  • FlexibleAsARock
    101 Posts
    Mon, Dec 15 2014 4:43 PM

    how about no gimmies except in practice mode?

  • PaulTon
    10,731 Posts
    Mon, Dec 15 2014 4:50 PM

    10ft gimmes in RR's??!!

    Makes a mockery of career putting stats ( which, to be honest, are a mess anyway) for the rest of us.


  • huttwd
    1 Posts
    Wed, Dec 21 2016 6:54 AM

    Give us a way to choose whicn tier levels we want to play. So a tour pro can eliminate a hack or amatuer player. Hopefully they will play only those of their skill level.

  • ffries61
    522 Posts
    Wed, Dec 21 2016 9:47 AM


    Give us a way to choose whicn tier levels we want to play. So a tour pro can eliminate a hack or amatuer player. Hopefully they will play only those of their skill level.


    already have this option


  • Cheryl294
    69 Posts
    Wed, Dec 21 2016 11:32 AM

    how about the option to turn it off in options  I find it annoying  popping up as I never use it 

  • whitemaggot
    2 Posts
    Mon, Apr 23 2018 2:08 AM

    Playing tablet mode only these days and find it very frustrating that in games where coins are on the line, hacks are getting 12 foot gimmies !  Talk about lack of reality.

    If anything maybe a Tour Pro might get a 12 ft gimmie but not someone who has not developed the skills as yet.  Make them putt and learn for goodness sake, we all had too without gimmies. I miss a 2 ft 1 inch putt and lose coins because the HACK got an 11 fot gimmie on a hole that sloped severely from left to right, a putt it was 99.99% certain he would not have sunk.


    Please bring back some seriousness to the reality factor and make it fair for all.