I have found many good tips and hints here that enable me to enjoy this game much more. I only wish I had come here to this forum back a few years ago, when I first started playing WGT. I'm sure that, like many others, I struggled along on my own, keeping anything that seemed to work well all to myself.
What I didn't know, is that there are many top-notch players here who are perfectly willing to share their knowledge with the rest of us! In this competitive environment, I never expected a "Hank Aaron" type player to share a tip with a "single A" player like me. Some that come to mind are alanti, alosso, courteneyfish, shrude, Topshelf2010, YankeeJim and there are many more that I hope will forgive me because I can't remember them right now.
These unselfish patient people need to be saluted! I want to say to those Legends, Tour Masters and Masters who are willing to teach to those of us willing to learn: Thank You Very Much for making this "not quite perfect"game much more fun.
Sure, it's only a game. And only a virtual game at that. To paraphrase that old country song by Don Williams & Waylon Jennings, "There's a measure of people who don't understand, The pleasures of playing ...". But, still it's a pretty good approximation of the "good walk wasted."
Again, Thank You. Best to you and yours. Naugahyde