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Re: Tournament payout rules

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Wed, Dec 24 2014 7:55 AM (6 replies)
  • Batman3264
    5 Posts
    Sat, Dec 20 2014 7:26 AM

    I have payed 100 credits to play 2 tournaments so far and they both had the same payout rules 1st 600 credits and so on... It read 11-15 will receive 100 credits so pretty much a break even, I placed 13th and received 80 credits. Before someone replies with an equation please know I realize take in and payout but let me explain why the payout should be as it reads even if the math doesn't work out. 1st we buy balls that wear out much to fast. 2nd it reads clearly 11 thru 15 receives 100 credits so even if WGT pays out more than was taken in they still are making money on balls and equipment and keeping players playing by keeping consistent of the payout. I don't care if everyone tied for 1st place we should all get first place credits because  WGT makes money hand over fist with this game and tha is how it is worded. To be competitive in this game you have t spend money. This game by no means is free. I'm sure that there have been times when mathematically you have taken more than you payed out but do you pay out more in that instance? 

    WGT come on keep your word in the payout rules. Just by keeping people playing you have more potential to make money..... and for the record if I play another ready go tournament and don't get what is clearly written in the payout rules it will be my last game played and you will get no more of my money.



  • alosso
    21,083 Posts
    Sat, Dec 20 2014 1:23 PM

    I have payed 100 credits to play 2 tournaments so far and they both had the same payout rules 1st 600 credits and so on... It read 11-15 will receive 100 credits so pretty much a break even, I placed 13th and received 80 credits.

    RGs, I suppose?

    You will have to read the rules thoroughly. Results may be close there, and if the same score is shared e.g. between 13th and 21st place, the decreasing prizes are equally shared between all respective players. Same happens on the Tour where a single 13th is worth more than a share of three (13th, 14th, 15th).

  • Batman3264
    5 Posts
    Sat, Dec 20 2014 1:56 PM

    Like I said I understand the math and I knew someone would bring it up but it clearly reads11-thru 15 receives 100 credits... not an elaborate percentage breakdown. With that being said would I receive more if were in 11th and everyone after Withdrew? NO. It clearly reads 11-15 it has no mention of how many people tie for those positions. The point is WGT gets enough revenue by selling clubs and (balls that degrade in 4-5 rounds.) to be honest this game  costs you way more than other games do if you want to be competitive because of its structure.

    Please understand it cost money for us to buy credits but costs WGT nothing to give credits away it's their currency they create it and govern it.  ....I looked at a bracket ready go and the purse is 1440 for 16 players to play even though WGT takes in 1600 credits at 100 per player. WGT makes way to much money to not pay what it reads in the payout breakdown....Or just update it with percentages so it is accurate but the way it is now is BS.

  • alosso
    21,083 Posts
    Sun, Dec 21 2014 4:47 AM

    it clearly reads11-thru 15 receives 100 credits... not an elaborate percentage breakdown.

    You should read it all *smiles*

    You are correct insofar that there's no mentioning of a payout split in the FAQs as it is in other tourneys.

    But, the RG Tournament Rules state:

    If multiple people tie for a place, the percentages for those places will be added up and divided by the number of people who tied for the place. For example, if three people tie for 2nd place, the percentages for 2nd, 3rd and 4th place will be totaled up and divided by three. Each player would receive the same amount. 5th place will then get the correct 5th place percentage.

    By entering the Tournament, entrant accepts and agrees to abide by and be bound by the terms of these Official Rules [...]

    With that being said would I receive more if were in 11th and everyone after Withdrew?

    I don't know.

    There's a section in the FAQs concerning the payout over 70 spaces in regular tournaments, concluding the maths with

    The entire tournament purse will be paid out regardless of how many entrants there are in the tournament.

    but I can't find anything like this concerning RGs. It may also be scarce to have more than 20 players withdraw - found only one example in the unevens, not yet payed out. Score 122 will get his share ;)


  • keidan
    311 Posts
    Tue, Dec 23 2014 1:09 PM


    WGT come on keep your word in the payout rules. Just by keeping people playing you have more potential to make money..... 



    Please understand it cost money for us to buy credits but costs WGT nothing to give credits away it's their currency they create it and govern it.  ....


    Credits given away in awards and prizes are a real-dollar loss to the company in the sense that a player (like me) uses those credits they won instead of buying them for the next round for entry fees, balls, equipment etc.  So the current prize structure is likely arrived at over the years as a balance of minimizing this dollar loss vs money gained via inspiring more play due to nice prizes.  

    The only thing that stops me from playing (less frequently) is my own budget... it's too much fun for me and has nothing to do with use of awarded credits or bought credits. Am I in the majority or minority? I don't know.  But where is WGT's incentive to increase payouts if I still come back for more even if I think the payouts are too low?


  • alosso
    21,083 Posts
    Wed, Dec 24 2014 12:19 AM

    Credits given away in awards and prizes are a real-dollar loss to the company in the sense that a player (like me) uses those credits they won instead of buying them for the next round for entry fees, balls, equipment etc.

    True, but only applicable to the minority of "free to enter" events like weeklies or monthlies or the VUSO and VT. Treating these prizes as "purchase replacement",
    a conversion to "lost revenue" may be justified:
    These prizes may sum up to about 100,000 ($), including a few real world prizes like USO trips and shopping vouchers with probable external sponsors.

    Assuming a million of active players, this would be a "gift" of 10 (US cents) per player, opposed to all the $$ that we spend to play these events and more.


    The other events, all the challenge matches, the RGs and Brackets, are IMHO a big credit extraction vortex. The input is from the players, received from purchases, vids/surveys and the above winnings. On every turn, the rake extracts 10-20 % of the total input, which add to the loss of the losers. These raked credits are purged, making new input => purchases necessary.

    With 20% rake in the RGs, 1,000 credits become 107 in 10 rounds, leaving
    only 11 cr after 20 rounds. After 31 rounds, the company has taken 999 - the rest is pulverized :(
    Plus, balls have been bought...

  • pb1711
    1,183 Posts
    Wed, Dec 24 2014 7:55 AM

    With that being said would I receive more if were in 11th and everyone after Withdrew? NO. It clearly reads 11-15 it has no mention of how many people tie for those positions.

    Yes you would.

    There have been cases before where there were more that 20 WDs. The balance of the credits that were supposed to be paid out are split between the players that finished.