This will be my last post.
With all the issues, controveries and problems over the last year here, with the VT, other sponsored 'events', known cheating players who are still here and being paid out by WGT etc etc. You'd think that perhaps the owners of this place might wish to extend some sort of goodwill gesture to it's player/customer base. No? Free Xmas Rental?
No is certainly the correct answer. In fact not only is it a resounding no, it's pretty much a screw-you slap in the face just shut up and buy more of our sh*t and never mind what we do with the game.
Oh and I can hear all the cheerleaders and the sanctimonious self appointed front-line spokespeople who think it's their job to come to the aide of WGT.
To you all? Here ..i., that's for you, bunch of drones and sheep.
I've spent a lot of my own money here, WGT is a business after all, they spent lots of money developing and creating this game. No one should have an issue with them trying to recoup and even earn revenue from their investment. Where the exception comes into play is when the realization hits home that the reason and it's the only reason they created this game, was to simply exploit the very people who come and play and make it so the place stays in business. You.
I actually feel sorry for the vast majority of people playing this game, I certainly feel sorry for those who feel the need to rally behind a company who so blatantly abuses it's customers even going so far as to push the very legal definition of fair and reasonable marketing practices. They reverse and ignore their own rules and guidelines when it suits their own purpose, and when they're called out on it they simply ignore the threads started because they know the 'addictive gambler' profile will win out and in the end they won't need to do anything. In fact they ramp up their efforts to screw you even more. By the way, where is the second Xmas Cash Crash event?
I'm not going to say anything about cheats and cheaters, you people know who you are, it's just too bad that not one single player who has used CE in the past has the guts to come in here and say anything. If for no other reason than to just clear up some of the misinformation about it. Ah well, people gotta protect their little corner of the game, right?
And for the record - Romax wasn't lying or making anything up. He got his information from me. I got it from one of the longest standing, best and most respected players on here. I won't say who, because I told them I wouldn't give their name out. You should own it though man, people would perhaps have some actual respect for you as an admin here, if that matters at all.
I've met some very nice people here, people whom in real life I would probably hang out with, one I do actually. There are also many many that I would have liked to be friends with here, but ultimately people with no integrity suck, people who'll sit and watch someone get taken apart in the forums, knowing full well that what they're saying is true. Weak man.. soooooo weak.
So with that, please delete my account. I don't play here anymore now and never will again. Bashing around on the forums is not even any fun anymore.
Hava a fun and safe holiday's everyone, yes even you.