I wish to cancel the wind!
Can you explain a bit more on what you are trying to do? Are you trying to play courses without the wind? In some tournaments the conditions are changed, sometimes the wind speed isn't as heavy. Additionally you can play practice rounds without wind.
Wind question answered by Typhoon, lovin' it!
Clearly the in-house expert on wind.. LOL
OK Typhoon - how does one set up a "no wind" practice round? I see High, Moderate and Low as options ------
Would love to have a NO WIND option - has been requested on this Forum many times !!!
I second Wheels65 request for an answer about setting up no wind practice,, Have the typhoon speed winds scrambled his brain?................
Yes it was a mistake on my end. Sorry for the misinformation.
ISH47: Clearly the in-house expert on wind.. LOL
LOL ISH, but sadly every Typhoon has wind....as he corrected