I have not get the 500 cr for The PROFFZIGG won the September Cabo Del Sol Sweeps Platinum Skill Challenge Cup award, I will get it ...but wonder when ???
PROFFZIGG: I have not get the 500 cr for The PROFFZIGG won the September Cabo Del Sol Sweeps Platinum Skill Challenge Cup award, I will get it ...but wonder when ???
Players do not receive credits for achieving awards, they only receive XP. We are aware that there is an issue with certain Awards not being recognized and are working on this situation.
I have been told it was a random drawing and it was 3 prizes 500 cr each !
WGTadmin: PROFFZIGG:I have not get the 500 cr for The PROFFZIGG won the September Cabo Del Sol Sweeps Platinum Skill Challenge Cup award, I will get it ...but wonder when ??? Players do not receive credits for achieving awards, they only receive XP.
PROFFZIGG:I have not get the 500 cr for The PROFFZIGG won the September Cabo Del Sol Sweeps Platinum Skill Challenge Cup award, I will get it ...but wonder when ???
How many credits are out there for such award?
PROFFZIGG:I have been told it was a random drawing and it was 3 prizes 500 cr each !
You earned a skill-oriented award, how should that relate to a random prize?
(Dunno how to identify the winners of that event though)