All kidding aside, I personally dislike this idea; with caddy, there will be no reason to learn game, shots, and many other attributes, such as course management, proper layups, etc.
I get a lot of satisfaction out of envisioning a shot, executing it, and then seeing the result.
Hello - I am Yancy
In the before time, I once gave an argument for some sort of caddy-avatar with the benefitables being they could provide 'insider knowledge of common pitfalls/misjudgementables and such.
After reading your fellers discussions, I am re-thinking my opinion here. My main argument against the caddy's would be how would know if like you are not on a bender or you just ate 2/3 a whole chicken or 6 cups of coffee - or any multitaskables.
The Caddy is a great and classic idea for the game of golf. But the technicals involved here are just off the charts to produce an Omega level product.
I am just a common man - not saying its not do-able.
Regards, YancyCan
Yancy's WGT YouTube Tootorial & Golfin Tips Vidyas Channel: