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Fri, Nov 19 2010 2:33 PM (4 replies)
  • SPINO1
    5,394 Posts
    Thu, Nov 18 2010 11:24 AM

    just an idea i had. for 100 credits u could hire a virtual caddy doesnt need to be animated like the player but just on a button at the bottom of the screen for this 100 cred you are entitled to ask the caddy to set up any shot any where on the course whether its putting or what,  your caddy will give you the the correct set up for that shot including correct club, wind allowance and power needed, you would still have to click and hit the lines and would only be allowed to use the caddy 4 times in any single round of 18 holes or twice on a 9 hole.

  • WGTicon
    12,511 Posts
    Thu, Nov 18 2010 3:17 PM

    I tried paying  WGTniv in sandwiches and cold drinks to do the same for me but I ended up getting slapped.

    All kidding aside, I personally dislike this idea; with caddy, there will be no reason to learn game, shots, and many other attributes, such as course management, proper layups, etc.

    I get a lot of satisfaction out of envisioning a shot, executing it, and then seeing the result.


  • YancyCan
    3,027 Posts
    Thu, Nov 18 2010 10:58 PM


    All kidding aside, I personally dislike this idea; with caddy, there will be no reason to learn game, shots, and many other attributes, such as course management, proper layups, etc.

    I get a lot of satisfaction out of envisioning a shot, executing it, and then seeing the result.



    Hello - I am Yancy

    In the before time, I once gave an argument for some sort of caddy-avatar with the benefitables being they could provide 'insider knowledge of common pitfalls/misjudgementables and such.

    After reading your fellers discussions, I am re-thinking my opinion here. My main argument against the caddy's would be how would know if like you are not on a bender or you just ate 2/3 a whole chicken or 6 cups of coffee - or any multitaskables.

    The Caddy is a great and classic idea for the game of golf. But the technicals involved here are just off the charts to produce an Omega level product.

    I am just a common man - not saying its not do-able.

    Regards, YancyCan


    Yancy's WGT YouTube Tootorial & Golfin Tips Vidyas Channel:

  • ty33
    39 Posts
    Fri, Nov 19 2010 10:05 AM

    I get a lot of satisfaction out of envisioning a shot, executing it, and then seeing the result.


    I agree with icon....  You would be taking the element of fun out of the game.

    And this Yance guy I'm starting to like

  • SPINO1
    5,394 Posts
    Fri, Nov 19 2010 2:33 PM

    i hear you all, im newish to this game and was discussing it with a pal who plays i diddnt realise so many players had suggested the idea before me ....i thought it was genius although id been in the pub for 5 hours lol .