Hi all
I would like some help please, I have just turned legend and whilst playing wgt competitions I do not have any problems getting good scores or close to the pin on my second shots.
I have shot -14 on st Andrew last month and currently on -12 on congressional so this tells me I must be doing something right.
The problems arises when I play for fun i.e. with a friend, On numerous occasions I have difficulty getting within 6 yards of the flag it could be 6 to 7 yards past or 8 to 10 yards short never as close as when I play competitions and I work out my shots as I do playing competitions but do not get a consistent into the flag shot and I cant understand why.
This is frustrating me as do not change my shot strategy between competitions and playing for fun and playing for fun is not fun anymore.
I hope you all understood my post and would appreciate any help that you have and lastly thank you all for any help that you forward to me.