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Re: How exactly DO players Tier up?

rated by 0 users
Fri, Dec 3 2010 11:10 PM (8 replies)
  • W000T
    104 Posts
    Sat, Nov 27 2010 8:27 AM

    All I can do is guess how it works.  Best I've come up with is either a mix of scorerank/level or scorerank/games-played.

  • RampantFrenzy
    106 Posts
    Sat, Nov 27 2010 8:48 AM


  • andyson
    6,415 Posts
    Sat, Nov 27 2010 9:06 AM

    WGT's FAQ's on the right state:

    "Advancing to the next Tier requires a qualifying Average Score AND a minimum amount of completed stroke play games, which will take a little more time but will help players reach the Levels necessary to unlock upgraded equipment that is helpful to compete at higher Tiers"


    "Your Average Score will be based on multiple best scores within ONLY your current Tier, not scores that you shot when in previous Tiers, which better reflects your current skill competing with the tee boxes and green speeds in your current Tier. Your Average Score will be based on ONLY your best scores, so completing a bad round will not negatively impact your Average Score or Tier."

    I hope that helps.

  • Wo0ot
    4 Posts
    Sat, Nov 27 2010 9:46 AM

    That's good to know.  Thanks for finding this info, since I couldn't find.  I believe this tier system is very nice, especially this, "

    Your Average Score will be based on ONLY your best scores, so completing a bad round will not negatively impact your Average Score or Tier.

    I wonder if they say how many stroke play games it takes to unlock each tier.


  • crgade
    490 Posts
    Sat, Nov 27 2010 1:20 PM

    no it does not still way to vague


  • Angeltotti20
    296 Posts
    Fri, Dec 3 2010 10:47 AM

    Have you realized that W000t and Wo0ot are the same person from different accounts? Isn't multiaccounting against the rules?

  • DavyJones1980
    43 Posts
    Fri, Dec 3 2010 11:13 AM


    Have you realized that W000t and Wo0ot are the same person from different accounts? Isn't multiaccounting against the rules?

    Your absolutely right A'20!....but it takes TWO W000t's to post!!!!! LOL


  • Sanco
    1,345 Posts
    Fri, Dec 3 2010 1:10 PM



    Have you realized that W000t and Wo0ot are the same person from different accounts? Isn't multiaccounting against the rules?

    Your absolutely right A'20!....but it takes TWO W000t's to post!!!!! LOL



    Good job Totti (Roma has a player by that name lol). Has this person/s been reported for investigation to WGT yet by someone?

    On a superficial look we have one master and one tour pro here...


  • Chasyte
    322 Posts
    Fri, Dec 3 2010 11:10 PM

    Hey i was just wondering if anybody could help me with this...i just made master tier bout 3 weeks ago and ive played bout 20 games with my new tier and ive posted quite a few -4's and -3's...yet everytime i get even or a +1 or rating jumps up. I thought that with the new rating system our avg would ONLY be based on good games. I thought maybe it'd be like that till id played 10 games but that was clearly not the if anyone has any thoughts that'd be great..thanks =)