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Wed, Feb 25 2015 7:46 PM (29 replies)
  • thesupernova
    7,344 Posts
    Wed, Feb 25 2015 2:54 PM


    From the onset of the introduction of the Bandon Course,the invite bug has been prevalent.

    Instead of rectifying the problem it got worse.

    Now an unplayable meter.Normally meter problems are personal computer issues that are compounded with the inherently ill advised flash platform.

    I went through my (rolling my  eyes) normal rituals before playing my game

    You all know them ,cleaning ,clearing cache, throwing salt over your shoulder,praying to the meter gods.

    Still an unplayable meter.

    There use to be an American product aphorism 

    Satisfaction guaranteed.

    Wgt has such wonderfully drafted video game.

    But ruins it with these inherent silly problematic issues.

    As for me,until at least the meter issues are resolved.






  • Gill1954
    725 Posts
    Wed, Feb 25 2015 2:55 PM

    Can't see myself playing this game for much longer I was convinced that an update it is to improve the game,  but the latest update  proved to be the opposite.

    Please  Mr  WGT   get your act together  there is a lot people spending  money to play this game.  The least they expect is to e able to play it

    Regards from a very frustrated WGT player

    G Guerra

  • Mushy01
    2,567 Posts
    Wed, Feb 25 2015 3:01 PM

    As anybody from the WGT team, e-mailed all the non forum readers who contribute to the updates of the game to explain what is going on ?

    Just a thought.


  • YankeeJim
    25,827 Posts
    Wed, Feb 25 2015 3:03 PM


    And the OT in Alt glitch is back......goes to blue screen and locks up...go to restart, locks up. The term "upgrade" means nothing here. 

    Just found out the hard way. 4 TL game AS after 9 turns into Blue Screen Central for everybody. Restarts work with chat and everything until you tee off.  :(

  • kdownunder
    1,463 Posts
    Wed, Feb 25 2015 4:34 PM

    Today's glitch:   Just had 3 different people try and start an Alt Shot game - 11 times all up.   Every time the initiator hit 'tee off' the game crashed / was cancelled by WGT.  

    Ho hum ... 

    Can you get your credits refunded ?

  • mattgolffan1
    283 Posts
    Wed, Feb 25 2015 4:43 PM

    i think its great that y'all are adding stuff to the game but seriously think you guys should fix some serious issues before attempting to bring in anything new, since christmas invites have been just horrible, people getting the boot and having to forfeit by not their choice, cc brackets screwed up, and now the meter which was fine before this shutdown is so whacked!!! seriously think about fixing issues at hand 1st, before anything else, have a little common sense please, thnx


  • DoctorEagle
    1,312 Posts
    Wed, Feb 25 2015 4:50 PM


    Well shoe you maybe right, soon mmmmmmmmm. Invite trouble since 12/12/14 but you told me around then when i complained that it should be guessed it........soon.

    The meter fix is a priority 1, I'm sure they're on it but it's probably a bit like going to the mechanic, they have to diagnose the prob. and then find a fix.

    I've had invite issues all along... but not just the game screen crashing. Invites don't show up for me unless i have to reset the available  button or accept invites button after the invite is sent. Also, I can't start a new wgt mail thread either because the "send mail" button isn't there, so i can only reply to existing ones in my inbox.

  • mmartin5
    216 Posts
    Wed, Feb 25 2015 5:26 PM

    think its about time to spend money for an xbox or this game but looks like its about time to quit donating since cant  fix problems as asked from thousands of people.....

  • lefty84
    32 Posts
    Wed, Feb 25 2015 5:36 PM

    Playing for the first time after the recent update, and it is absolutely unplayable.  

  • leduck
    3 Posts
    Wed, Feb 25 2015 7:46 PM

    YES! Exactly what you said, plus random beeping noises during the shot, ball not rolling smoothly on a putt and veering WAY off at even the slightest miss of a ding. It was the first time for years I've never made a birdie during a round. I'm not that good, but I'm better than that. Almost unplayable today and thoroughly non-enjoyable.