quick question Icon will we be able to play multiplayer games on uneven lies on chambers bay during qualifying, previous years you could play multiplayer games but only on even lies
Hi Marty,
Filling in for Icon, unfortunately no plans of right now to release uneven lies when we release Chambers Bay for qualifying.
Best Regards,
thats a shame, uneven lies is like the black sheep of the family, why were they developed if we can only play them at certain times instead of giving us the choice to play them when we want, all you have to do is make the lies option available to be changed when we enter a tournament so when you enter you have the option to play even or uneven in the same tournament, every mixed together in the one tournament, set the default to even so no mistakes are made and everyone is happy.
uneven lies is the best way to play wgt, tough but fair, hit good shots and get rewarded
maybe some day