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Re: change rotation on bracket tournaments

rated by 0 users
Wed, Mar 4 2015 12:20 PM (1 replies)
    35 Posts
    Tue, Mar 3 2015 6:13 PM

    Seems like every few months someone needs to ask.....,, CAN WE PLEASE HAVE SOME NEW BRACKET TOURNAMENTS?????

    I don't want to be a big complainer, but I'm COMPLAINING BIG here.  Same rotation of same courses  with same conditions for each bracket weeks and weeks and weeks and weeks (see a pattern here?) gets a little monotonous, not to mention boring, or as one could safely say, very repetitive, or possibly dull.

    Last time I think this was addressed in the forum by some players was back in December I believe.  WGTICON said he would look into it and, lo and behold,  courses got changed.  It's now March , and, lo and behold, it's still the same courses since the last change!!!!!

    I enjoy the bracket idea, as do lots of others, but, PLEASE WGT, give us some variety on a regular basis.

    Is that asking too much?

    Thank you WGT, I know you can  do it. 




  • WGTicon
    12,511 Posts
    Wed, Mar 4 2015 12:20 PM


    brackets are incredibly painful to do. we will try to get some new ones done but it maybe a while:(
