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Re: Game laggy in full screen mode

rated by 0 users
Sun, Mar 15 2015 1:57 AM (3 replies)
  • bigseanbig
    511 Posts
    Thu, Mar 12 2015 7:05 PM

    Anyone else's game/meter is jumpy (especially on the greens) in full screen mode or is it just me.  Started happening today.

  • FlexibleAsARock
    101 Posts
    Thu, Mar 12 2015 7:10 PM

    depends on browser an flash version, an wgt server,an how busy internet is at any given moment, an computer resources regarding running services, there is no answer, the game is flash based, be glad when it works

  • fitzroy1965
    337 Posts
    Fri, Mar 13 2015 6:11 PM

    Also if you dont already, try many different browsers, sometimes one plays better than the others on any given day. CC cleaner is a good product to use that can also help but not always. I also use full screen mode and it rarely seems to ever work as smooth as the normal screen size,wish wgt could remedy that.

  • fitzroy1965
    337 Posts
    Sun, Mar 15 2015 1:57 AM

     I know every case is different but often my meter is very shaky when I just start to play but seems after several warm up swings and after 1-3 holes or so it always smooths out and is good till the next time. this has been going on since last update but at least when it does smooth out I can play for hours with rare meter issues...until I  play the next time,lol. As previous poster stated being a flash based game and depending on the quality of the server you get and your setup,meter issues are very possible, gl2u.