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Re: As I search

rated by 0 users
Mon, Mar 23 2015 1:51 AM (8 replies)
  • dauberman65
    82 Posts
    Sat, Mar 21 2015 9:20 AM

    through the list of available Country Clubs, I  cant help but notice , the number of clubs with 25 or less players and only a handful of the club members being active while the rest of the club show last games played of over 2 and 3 months ago ( including the club owner). If the club owner can not be active , why take up the space of calling yourself a Country Club

    I think WGT needs to monitor clubs and have some basic settings and or rules that would  allow clubs to remain Country Clubs. I also think it would be a great idea , if there was an option for clubs to merge membership.

  • bubbsboy
    6,879 Posts
    Sat, Mar 21 2015 3:05 PM

    Totally agree, hence my advert for my club next to this this one. Worse still look at the clubs with over 100 members and lucky if 10 enter comps, not all as theres some good ones but theres a lot of em that fits the bill....Bubbs

  • Kelsey12
    2,114 Posts
    Sun, Mar 22 2015 1:50 PM

    Does the size of a club really matter at all? It shouldn't, but it's personal preference on how anyone feels. Myself - I'd rather be in a club where I'm friendly with a good half the members or so than be in one where I haven't even met 90% of them.

    In theory, it'd be nice to get rid of those who haven't played in a while. Although, practicality dictates you hold out hope that they'll start playing more regularly again. Those with larger memberships can probably be less tolerant, but for smaller clubs, everyone becomes part of the family, and it's always hard to get rid of family.

    Even owners who haven't played in a while - we're not privy to circumstances surrounding anyone's play but our own.

    Basically, not every aspect of the game is black and white enough to set conditions. The club merge is a good idea though. I'm currently part of club formed from 2 previous clubs, and if we could've just clicked a box to become one, it would've saved a lot of time and effort.

    Kelsey  =)

  • alosso
    21,094 Posts
    Sun, Mar 22 2015 2:10 PM

    I think WGT needs to monitor clubs

    Why should they have to, and why do you poke into other people's business?

    I also think it would be a great idea , if there was an option for clubs to merge membership.

    Each player has the option to exit and enter CCs - why should this decision be done by the owners on behalf of them?

  • courteneyfish
    15,796 Posts
    Sun, Mar 22 2015 10:18 PM
    I have a "If you don't play then you don't stay" policy. All of my members have played in the last 3 weeks.
  • siggipj76
    2,989 Posts
    Sun, Mar 22 2015 11:03 PM

    Thatcher ! Iron lady ! Only me thinking it ?

  • QueenPuttster
    866 Posts
    Mon, Mar 23 2015 12:59 AM


    Thatcher ! Iron lady ! Only me thinking it ?

    Yes Siggi,

    ONLY you thinking it!


  • nanstar
    4,914 Posts
    Mon, Mar 23 2015 1:25 AM

     I also think it would be a great idea , if there was an option for clubs to merge membership.

     Good idea by the OP ^^

  • alosso
    21,094 Posts
    Mon, Mar 23 2015 1:51 AM


    It's a rather tough policy, "iron" is a good synonym, but it is successfull: There are plenty members and the CC level speaks for itself.

    I guess, though, that there's a different secret to success, probably including club-life and tournaments. Anyway, Courteney's work and dedication is one-of-a-kind! Kudos!!

    But, as Kelsey indicated, to each his own.

    If I would only exclude all our inactives over three months, we'd be (guess) 100 only with little chances to fill up, due to our self-imposed limitation to one language.

    Therefore, I follow a different path. I keep the number up, 241 now, and remove the inactives by date, one by one. Today, the "last date played" limit is 2014-1-1. Before you ask, I do agree that there's hardly any difference in having 10 or 150 inactives, but it's nice to be near the top of the German CC list ;)

    I have lowered the fluctuation by being reluctant to accept Hacks and Amateurs. Too many of them play only a few days - no good members :(

    It's obvious that people may lose interest in the game after a while. Some relevant periods of activity apparently are

    - one or two days,

    - one week,

    - one to 1.5 years.