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Re: CTTH premium speed brackets

rated by 0 users
Wed, Mar 25 2015 6:47 AM (1 replies)
  • roaddawgstyle
    305 Posts
    Mon, Mar 23 2015 12:24 PM

    Stupidity hits new all time high with this, who came up with this BS?

    Lets create a bracket tournament for credits that will take forever to fill but once it does is done in one hour.......... so you are telling me nobody realized that the guy who enters the tournament 1st gets boned unless he gets lucky and the tournament closes when he happens to be online.

    Are the early entry guys suppose to enter and stay online for the next couple hours or days waiting for it to fill?



  • roaddawgstyle
    305 Posts
    Wed, Mar 25 2015 6:47 AM

    Then in typical lets just put a band aid on it fashion, WGT has removed these brackets. When the obvious solution was make them run the same way the other premium brackets run 24 hours a round.