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-_-Ugly Flushers -_- seeking new members

rated by 0 users
Mon, Mar 23 2015 6:41 PM (0 replies)
  • scrow88
    2 Posts
    Mon, Mar 23 2015 6:41 PM

    Hi guys thanks for considering ugly Flushers as your new club we are a very new club with a huge membership of 1 but are always looking for new members to play and enjoy the realm of WGT .... We will be holding weekly and monthly tournaments also we will be trying to post lots of tips to help improve your game as we are new this is all new to is but just like you we will be looking forward to making those much needed Lil tweaks to make a club have a real homely feel ... so don't hesitate and sign up being new you have the chance to build a club literally from the ground up so if you want that belonging feeling join ugly Flushers 


    Owner Scrow88

    P. S play well stay cool and remember it's only a game