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Re: Very worn out

Wed, Mar 25 2015 6:19 PM (6 replies)
  • fourscored
    34 Posts
    Tue, Mar 24 2015 3:16 PM

    People I don't post much anything at all and try not to whine about things I can not control. However..............

    I'm tired of busting my balls and more trying to win a few games on here. I'm a hard working level 94 that plays above my level but am everyday getting waxed by these.....Tour legends. Yes I know others are too. I'm just getting really tired of seeing there faces in the win slots and regular ole legends are left in the cold. Isn't there ever going to a day that these guys are booted out of our litter box? Theirs so many of them heck you can barely break even in Ready go's. It's getting old...........feed back?

    5,835 Posts
    Tue, Mar 24 2015 6:32 PM

    Just keep to Legend specific RGs

    You're right , anything else is dominated by these boys, so its hard to win much of anything in the regular tourneys. Just monitor your own results against your Legend peers.  

    Country Clubs usually have Tier Specific tourneys to even out the playing field. 
    Create one in your country club for Legends only ?

  • jayw4862
    3,364 Posts
    Tue, Mar 24 2015 8:01 PM

    Just keep to Legend specific RGs

    What Shrude says is the ONLY way you will have a shot (barring the restarts and cheats, which are ABUNDANT here). 

    I will add that the same players have, for 2 years, dominated the "open" RG's. 1/2 are legit, 1/2 are not (yes I said it, and until I SEE different, I will stick to my opinion). 

    I will, very seldom, get bored and enter a RG. So far, I'm ahead in entry fees vs. credits won, but the ball usage brings me back down to probably even. Which, in essence, means I just wasted my time. 

    Remember this too: the payouts cannot be distributed among too many players (hence the same players always winning). That would bring deposits/revenue down. Don't chase that carrot on the end of the stick. It ain't worth it now, and won't be worth it when you're a level 100 TL (or whenever you hit TL). 

    The "open/any tier" RG's are a sucker bet for anyone that is not listed in the top 20 on that monthly leader board. The RG's should be tier specific. All of them. TL's playing against unsuspecting (or dumb) Pros/Tour Pros/Masters/Tour Masters and most Legends is 100% unfair





  • ApexPC
    3,164 Posts
    Wed, Mar 25 2015 9:19 AM


    Just like the various RL pro tours - always seems to be the same guys winning the tournaments.

    Many touring pros have to quit touring because they spend more to stay out on tour than their golfing skills allow them to make playing tour tournaments.

  • DaddysKat
    3,554 Posts
    Wed, Mar 25 2015 5:05 PM

    Another way would be for WGT to have a handicap system and Net Score payouts.  Then, the player who was completely "on top" of their game would win.

    Maybe someday!  * sigh *

  • donsprintr
    2,063 Posts
    Wed, Mar 25 2015 6:16 PM

    From the OP's comment about "kicking them out of our litter box" , I would think he's referring to Tour Legends playing Legend tier accounts ...

  • Yasch
    310 Posts
    Wed, Mar 25 2015 6:19 PM

    Just keep to Legend specific RGs

    In the current offering for stroke play, there are 4 RGs for Legends and 20 in the all category. Depending upon the conditions and the course, I would not call this an incentive for me to enter any RGs.