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Re: Poaching

Tue, Apr 28 2015 3:58 PM (47 replies)
  • GregHodges
    4,295 Posts
    Mon, Apr 27 2015 3:13 PM

    I see nothing wrong with poaching. Team owners in every sport do it.

  • phred952
    2,714 Posts
    Mon, Apr 27 2015 6:41 PM
    Yes, Greg, But usually for cash, trade, or "a player to be named later", and other considerations. The problem is too many club owners have too much dead wood, and no one in their right mind would accept one of those as a player to be named later. Any owner willing to put up some cash? Phred952
  • jenwren
    2,783 Posts
    Mon, Apr 27 2015 8:43 PM


    Hey guess what, no it was not you.  I did not mention the person's name or the CC name as I thought that you were not meant to in this forum, but you must have a guilty conscious to reply.  If you want to know the name send me a message and I will tell you but please do not make it with such a disgusting ending like you did.  Not warranted. 

      You are so right . I apologize and have edited my error . No excuse for that . My bad .

      But I can't have a guilty conscious if I am not guilty . 

      Again I am very sorry for my comment .

    Thank you - apology accepted

  • kagisan1
    11 Posts
    Mon, Apr 27 2015 9:27 PM

    ~laughs~...impotent drones... ~laughs~.... its an online game... quit your *** whining...

  • MrSCicero
    154 Posts
    Tue, Apr 28 2015 3:58 PM


    ~laughs~...impotent drones... ~laughs~.... its an online game... quit your *** whining...

    Very well stated!

     Sounds to me like someone invited his girlfriend to the dance and he had no one to dance with. Remember there are plenty of fish in the sea!