MBaggese:.I think the OP just needs to grow a set and do something he know's he wants to do, or tuck it back under, dress in purple spandex, and take a walk up town.
Bah hahaha, i nearly spat my Drambuie across my screen!
At the end of the day , if the owner has a Culture he wants to breed within his club, if it is a Clulture of XP points focus , or a culture or MP games, or a culture of Friends and chat. then he has the right to develop and encourage participation for that culture.
Now the conundrum comes when we want to expel a member for not adhering to said culture, however, has merits in other areas that perhaps others with great Culture are lacking.
As a Director, Owner with a focus for your culture, you expel.
As above, grow a set or tuck it back under.
This whole scenario is ever pressing of course when your club is at capacity. If you aren't, then WGAF, try to educate, motivate and appreciate in the meantime.
Shrude... .. .