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Re: meter speed

rated by 0 users
Sun, May 24 2015 5:43 PM (7 replies)
  • hatcojack
    410 Posts
    Sat, May 23 2015 8:14 AM

    just my opinion: everyone should play with the SAME meter speed! a reasonable one that most can handle( 3.5 ?) maybe that would help meter glitches. balls/ clubs can still have the other values( spin, distance, etc.). i know it will never be done, but the game would then be on level ground for all players. i use balls with 5.0 speed (the slowest) and whenever i play against others with fast meter balls(especially starters) i feel that i have UNFAIR advantage just because i can afford better balls. 

  • PaulTon
    10,731 Posts
    Sat, May 23 2015 8:21 AM

    They should implement this idea....the day after you stop quitting Alt Shot matches.

  • hatcojack
    410 Posts
    Sat, May 23 2015 8:47 AM


    They should implement this idea....the day after you stop quitting Alt Shot matches.

    haha, fat chance of that!  

  • phred952
    2,714 Posts
    Sat, May 23 2015 3:49 PM

    3.5 meter speed would work for some, but peoples reflexes vary too much.  There will be younger guys complaining about the "slow" meter speed ruining their shots.  

    There will also be some of us older guys complaining that it's too fast.  Someone in a forum once referred  to us as having the reflexes of a hibernating bear.  LOL

    There are many ways to earn "free credits".  And inexpensive balls from WGT available that can serve as an alternative to the higher level expensive balls.  As the man said, "Choose.  But choose wisely."


  • hatcojack
    410 Posts
    Sun, May 24 2015 10:06 AM


    3.5 meter speed would work for some, but peoples reflexes vary too much.  There will be younger guys complaining about the "slow" meter speed ruining their shots.  

    There will also be some of us older guys complaining that it's too fast.  Someone in a forum once referred  to us as having the reflexes of a hibernating bear.  LOL

    There are many ways to earn "free credits".  And inexpensive balls from WGT available that can serve as an alternative to the higher level expensive balls.  As the man said, "Choose.  But choose wisely."


    then wgt should at least offer cheap balls with slow meter for those who cannot afford $$$$ balls. 

  • PaulTon
    10,731 Posts
    Sun, May 24 2015 10:31 AM

    then wgt should at least offer cheap balls with slow meter for those who cannot afford $$ balls. 

    Why should they?

    WGT is a business not a charity.

  • hatcojack
    410 Posts
    Sun, May 24 2015 12:58 PM

    because they would sell MANY of them and make $$$$ with QUANTITY!!  suggestion is NOT for me as i can afford the most expensive balls for the rest of my life! i would like to see the players who cannot afford it to be able to get better balls.

  • lonniescott711
    4,208 Posts
    Sun, May 24 2015 5:43 PM


    because they would sell MANY of them and make $$ with QUANTITY!!  suggestion is NOT for me as i can afford the most expensive balls for the rest of my life! i would like to see the players who cannot afford it to be able to get better balls.

    Then share the wealth playa . Feel free to send me as many sleeves of L48 Nike balls as your heart desires . I would greatly appreciate them and be thankful for ever more . Please dont interpret this as begging because that is not my intention . its hard to get those credits rolling on a consistent basis to stay stocked up so any help will be greatly appreciated . Thank you in advance . :-)