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Re: Concede features in Alternate shot.

rated by 0 users
Sun, Dec 19 2010 7:52 AM (2 replies)
  • Kaslo
    428 Posts
    Sat, Dec 18 2010 9:17 PM

    I love the new concede features. It would be awesome if you could add them to the alternate shot game.

  • borntobesting
    9,766 Posts
    Sat, Dec 18 2010 9:35 PM


    I love the new concede features. It would be awesome if you could add them to the alternate shot game.

    Icon said in one thread that they didn't implement the concede feature in alternate shot game due to both players on one team having to agree to concede. She said it was a little more complicated than normal match play concede and they were trying to refine it before putting it into alternate shot.

  • WGTicon
    12,511 Posts
    Sun, Dec 19 2010 7:52 AM



    I love the new concede features. It would be awesome if you could add them to the alternate shot game.

    Icon said in one thread that they didn't implement the concede feature in alternate shot game due to both players on one team having to agree to concede. She said it was a little more complicated than normal match play concede and they were trying to refine it before putting it into alternate shot.

    Just to clarify:)

    All above is true except, it's not only with 2 people agreeing, it's the whole process. Once you add more elements and checks, things tend to run amok. Also, I am not sure if it will be implemented in AS. As soon as I have more info, i'll let you guys know
