my Hybrid MAX L93 is out of all options of my bag, but still blocked...
this is your response...
Anonymous69: my Hybrid MAX L93 is out of all options of my bag, but still blocked... this is your response...
Hi Anonymous69,
Please make sure that the equipment is not equipped or in any standbag slots if you have a stand bag. If you are still having issues, please message our customer service dept. at and they will be more than happy to assist.
All the Best,WGTShamWow
Anonymous69:my Hybrid MAX L93 is out of all options of my bag, but still blocked...
Be sure to unequip your Standbag Plus, too. Then it should work.
I removed all of my first and my second bag... changing all options with equipment (starter / free)... and the hybrid was unblocked...thank you all, well done...
i've the same problems