Tigerpaw509: Happens on both FireFox and Maxthon.Flash is keep up to date and I should say it only happens once or twice a game but I'm all ears for suggestions.
Once or twice is unacceptable. I never see it. The only reason I know about it is because I see it any time I try to play any game in Chrome. If I go to the Community tab right now and pick any course, any hole to play, I will see it. If I hit Play Now the game gets opened in Chrome, my default browser, and I see it. The game just isn't playable in Chrome without me doing something about it and if I was to do something about it, it would entail changing the Flash version.
I don't bother with any of that because I use Comodo Dragon exclusively for the game with an earlier, known good version of Flash. Updates go through me and don't happen. Nothing else happens with the browser, either. No bookmarks, active links, no surfing, nothing. (That's what Chrome is for. )The home page is set to the game client and opening the browser takes you directly to the game. I have always played this way-you find what works and then leave it alone. :-)