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Welcome letter WGT send out to country club owners

rated by 0 users
Sun, Dec 26 2010 4:26 PM (0 replies)
  • happyman123uk
    1,242 Posts
    Sun, Dec 26 2010 4:26 PM

    I have to laugh at WGT they send a letter country club owners telling then that a new member has joined there country club  make sure you sent them a welcome letter.Thats all good if you have played with them they are on your friends list already but i get requests from WGT members wanting to join my country club vie the country club list which you WGT make available to all members But i can't send them a welcome letter if they do not add me as a friend can I WGT?.Surely you should be able to add any member to your Friends list if you own the country club without him or her saying yes to it can't you can you change this please its most frustrating to club owners.