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Re: players who disconnect after hitting a poor shot in multiplayer games

rated by 0 users
Sun, Jul 12 2015 9:56 AM (7 replies)
  • wtiger22
    1,027 Posts
    Tue, Jul 7 2015 6:47 AM

    Having just endured yet another episode of watching an opponent hacking around the first green, ultimately ending in a 5 putt triple bogey. My oppenent (who was also taking around a minute and a half per shot) decided to disconnect, leaving me stood alone on the second fairway at chambers bay!

    I am wholeheartedly sick of this sort of thing occuring.

    At the present frequency of it happening, i would think that unless something is done to change this, i will probably spend around 3% of the entire remainder of my life, standing around on random virtual golf courses, waiting for virtual opponents, who have actually disconnected.

    My suggestion is to create some kind of blacklist or icon which would flag up to players, those people who have a fondness for abandoning rounds.

    I do not believe that the current completion rating system is adequate or fit for purpose.

    this really does need to be sorted before the game becomes spoiled by this rotten trick.

  • courteneyfish
    15,796 Posts
    Tue, Jul 7 2015 8:56 AM

    Just play with friends and country club members. Much less likely to quit.

  • alosso
    21,092 Posts
    Tue, Jul 7 2015 9:02 AM

    Play in a CC or play with friends - social bonds prevent such indecent behaviour.

    Edit: Beaten in Courteney's favourite subject - I should have known it!

  • ApexPC
    3,164 Posts
    Tue, Jul 7 2015 9:21 AM

    The anonymity of the Internet makes it easy for people to be inconsiderate.

    I only let random players that have a green completion check mark join games I start . 

    Even with that, I get players that quit a game before we finish.


  • FATTY501
    9,445 Posts
    Tue, Jul 7 2015 10:47 AM

    I would NEVER quit a game it is plain rude.  But I have had times with connection problems, yesterday I had a dropout 3 times and WGT ended the match, I sent personal messages to apologise but obviously it was my internet provider not me at fault.  On my very first game with someone else when I joined, he played one hole, then said he was off to work, why on earth would you start a game if going to work? 


    It makes me very paranoid when I request to play with others that they look like they are gonna join then reject at last minute as well.  I tend to play alone for that reason.


    Its such a shame because there are some lovely folk on here especially in my country club, The Knack for instance has been kindness itself

  • PAT3361
    51 Posts
    Sat, Jul 11 2015 6:24 PM

    Trouble with you philosophy Apex is, guys like me who have an average rating cant get a game with people like you because you ASSUME that the average rating is down to ME being a quitter, when the reality is in fact being left alone in a game due to QUITERS, ans s a result I forfeit the game, if I wanted to play ALONE I simply would. then it wouldn't be an issue...................



  • wtiger22
    1,027 Posts
    Sun, Jul 12 2015 9:56 AM

    completely agree PAT3361.

    i spent quite a while unable to get a game because i was rated average due to other people walking off on me.

    I suffered it again yesterday.....started with 4 players

    1 drops out after whacking first tee shot into brush.

    2 drops out after swearing and cursing into the chatbox about number1 dropping out!

    3 takes 5 shots to escape a bunker on hole 4 types "adios" into chatbox and disappears.

    there simply has to be a better way than this!

  • KyRock75
    411 Posts
    Sun, Jul 12 2015 5:45 PM

    Well i have a yellow check mark now because of the issue w/ Chamber's at first...get disco'd  and can't get back to the multiplayer game.  i quit so i could go back and play w/ my friends...would rather do that than grind games these days.
