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Re: How to stop unwanted club invites

rated by 0 users
Fri, Jul 10 2015 10:46 PM (10 replies)
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  • oldbones29
    2,035 Posts
    Fri, Jul 10 2015 10:10 AM

    This solution involves WGT making money, so they will think it's a good idea. The owner is charged a 10 credit fee for each player he invites to his club, regardless of whether that player joins.  I seriously doubt that a club owner would then have 400 pending invites. It may also stop a lot of the poaching that goes own, and owners just sending out random invites to unknown people. There would be no fee for a player requesting admission to a club.


  • alosso
    21,094 Posts
    Fri, Jul 10 2015 10:31 AM

    This creative proposal will have to wait at least for three weeks - no more downtime in July says WGT.

  • daveparr
    1,175 Posts
    Fri, Jul 10 2015 10:56 AM

    it is not poaching asking a player in another club to join yours no more than it is to ask a player not in a club to join your club  any owner worth their salt will want to enlarge their membership  and to penalise them by slapping  a 10 credit on them to invite new members is just a joke

                                                        Just Saying.

  • ct690911
    7,205 Posts
    Fri, Jul 10 2015 1:23 PM

    I am the recruiting director for a CC and, although we aren't perfect, we try very hard not to "poach" players from other clubs...that said, I agree with Dave that penalising a CC financially is a joke...bottom line is, if the player is happy where he or she is, then inviting them to join a different CC is moot.


  • EasyEdward
    13,507 Posts
    Fri, Jul 10 2015 1:39 PM


    The problem is that people can no longer refuse a CC Invite due to a glitch in a recent update.

    If they click on the No button - they get booted from WGT game and have to log back in again. Then guess what?  The invite remains shows up again as soon as they log back in.

    There are owners with 415 invites out there and no one can refuse them.

    Heck there is even a CC that was deleted by the owner on July 6th and people are getting invites from a CC that no longer exists and they cannot decline it!

    Would you like playing having a blue flashing invite button constantly flashing on and off (not to mention you would have to open the invite tab to even see if you were being invited to a game). 

    Something needs to be done about this.

    My idea is simpler:  Do not allow a CC to invite anyone if there is not enough room in the CC to accept them into the CC. A CC with 20 slots open and a maximum of 75 members in their CC does not need 415 Invites sent out. Let that owner send out 20 and then no more until the owner deletes a pending invite.

    PS - If you think I am kidding about 415 invites for 20 open slots - just ask ....



  • bubbsboy
    6,879 Posts
    Fri, Jul 10 2015 1:56 PM


    it is not poaching asking a player in another club to join yours no more than it is to ask a player not in a club to join 

    no more. mmmmmmm

    Anyway to discuss something sensible, why not, as ive said before, just post an invite on players not in clubs walls but dont press the invite button. Must be really annoying for folks who cant just what if someone is in a club and theirs is flashing forever as well.


  • ct690911
    7,205 Posts
    Fri, Jul 10 2015 2:00 PM

    I don't read the wgt forum as often as I perhaps should and was unaware of this glitch (It wasn't mentioned in the original post by Old Bones). I agree that 400 pending invites from a CC that doesn't have any room is ridiculous.....seems there is yet one more glitch for WGT to 3 weeks...when they doing updates again. I also agree that any owner or recruiting officer "flooding" the market with invites is not kosher...and it can bite them...they may end up with a bunch of jerks in their CC...we try to focus on quality rather than quantity...we vet the members first to see if they will be a good fit. This may be good advice for other CCs as well.


  • courteneyfish
    15,796 Posts
    Fri, Jul 10 2015 8:55 PM

    Come on WGT. Can't you just ban invites until this is fixed?

  • SleemanMan
    1,125 Posts
    Fri, Jul 10 2015 10:46 PM

    ahhhhh now i undertand why i was being removed from the game when i clicked no to a club invite lol. After couple times, i decided to say yes, then leave :)

  • Jimbog1964
    8,378 Posts
    Sat, Jul 11 2015 12:34 AM

    The owner is charged a 10 credit fee for each player he invites to his club

    Kill CCs, and it would be bug ridden anyway.

     I seriously doubt that a club owner would then have 400 pending invites

    Probably not:)

    It may also stop a lot of the poaching that goes own, and owners just sending out random invites to unknown people.

    Constantly looking to grow my CC of course but in the way we want, no piling it high to unchecked people or any invites out to people already in a CC.  

    WGT have to fix this soon though as some just abuse with what amounts to annoying spamming.  

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