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Re: Free Rentals For British Open?

Tue, Jul 21 2015 11:57 AM (17 replies)
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  • daveparr
    1,175 Posts
    Sun, Jul 19 2015 8:34 AM

    instead of free Rental weekends why not  have a FreeTry and buy Select option Button in the pro shop where you could try a selected club you want to trail for 1, Round then Purchase if its to your likeing, or no like no buy.

    wgt could put a Maximum of one try and buy per club so this option does not get abused.

                                                Just a Thought

  • AlaCowboy
    1,321 Posts
    Tue, Jul 21 2015 7:30 AM

    WGT won't make any money that way. Rent or buy puts cash in their pocket.

  • Jimbog1964
    8,378 Posts
    Tue, Jul 21 2015 9:29 AM

    WGT won't make any money that way. Rent or buy puts cash in their pocket.

    Yes but how many higher levels at least go for that cost ?........

    IMO that type of pricing is prohibitively expensive. As it stands the only real way for many to try things out is at free rentals.

  • Luciano18
    318 Posts
    Tue, Jul 21 2015 10:23 AM

    IMO that type of pricing is prohibitively expensive. As it stands the only real way for many to try things out is at free rentals.

    You are SOOOOO correct sir

    If the rental fee was a little (okay a LOT) more reasonable (say 100cr for 24hr) I am fairly positive more rentals would happen

    (not that I know a lot about business but logically at that price level I am 100% in accord with Jim)

    And the point about earning credits is valid - after hanging around the forums I really empathize (sympathize ?) with those from the rest of the world that may not have the opportunities that we have on this side of the world

    On the bright side - it may come to pass also that more surveys et al will be worldwide - it doesn't seem like that long ago that opps for earning credits was as abundant as it is now in this part of the world

    Keep hittin'em straight


  • Ande1682
    16 Posts
    Tue, Jul 21 2015 11:57 AM

    1. The free 2  hour rental after leveling up is FICTION !! I have leveled up twice since I heard about it and it does NOT exist !!! As far as the American courses. WGT is an American company and game, of course most the courses are and should be American, get over it.

  • alpenpirat
    1,182 Posts
    Wed, Jul 22 2015 6:22 AM


    WGT won't make any money that way. Rent or buy puts cash in their pocket.

    Yes but how many higher levels at least go for that cost ?........

    IMO that type of pricing is prohibitively expensive. As it stands the only real way for many to try things out is at free rentals.

    Right what you say 

    This is the modern way of capitalism .. thinking from middday to 12 a clock only 

    If the renting was by 100 credits , the customers here have more rentals in shorter intervals. And WGt earn more money in this situation.

    Others more without comments ;))

  • phred952
    2,714 Posts
    Wed, Jul 22 2015 6:55 AM

    In any business there is a bell curve where price generates the most revenue.  Too low a price won't generate enough regardless of how many products are sold (or in this case rented).  At the opposite end of the curve, too high a price won't generate enough revenue because most people will not purchase the product.  

    My apologies to the business majors for stating something you all know.  Sadly to me, it seems that WGT has chosen to put their pricing model at the very top of the curve.  And without any other incentives to rent, like a rent/purchase option, most of us pass.

    The only good thing they have done is allow the 2 hr free rental when leveling up and unlocking new equipment.  And we do appreciate it WGT.  That doesn't help anyone who has passed the lvl and is thinking about a club that already unlocked.  Even then, if you have more than one club offered, you have to choose which to try.

    I'll face that problem when I reach lvl 90 and have to choose between the R15 driver and the Rsi2 irons.  And I'm not sure what I'll do yet.  I do need about 37000 mre xp points so I have time to figure it out, I guess.


  • Woodoworkery
    3,498 Posts
    Wed, Jul 22 2015 7:09 AM

    Well I think the prices are figured on what members are willing to pay ( with real money ) excluding purchases made with credits that members have. That  have been in the past.

    So when you see $49.00 are so for a virtual golf club, its because in the past members have paid it. The only way to bring the prices down is to stop patronizing .

    Also its only good business to allow the rental fee to go toward the purchase, if done in a timely  time frame.

    Like I said before we the members control what happens here at WGT. 


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