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Re: Looking for some new members!

rated by 0 users
Tue, Jul 21 2015 4:28 PM (1 replies)
  • BabeLincoln
    3,080 Posts
    Mon, Jul 20 2015 2:14 AM

    Guys and Dolls has been around since April 2011.  Many have come and gone, but throughout the years we have maintained a standard of excellence.  Of course, how people define excellence is very different, but for us it has always been about members being involved in our country cub and most of all, having fun!

    We don't keep members who don't participate.  I don't see the point of building our membership for numbers sake.  As a result, we are small (like a family, I guess) and we often have 75% or even on occasion 100% playing in our tournaments.  Many of our current members who started out with us as hacks or amateurs are now tour legends....and they are giving back by helping others who want to achieve the same.

    Come join us!!!

    xoxoxoxoxo, Rachel

  • NG111
    1 Posts
    Tue, Jul 21 2015 4:28 PM

    I'd like to try it out, but can't figure out how to join.