After several attempts to get this working properly again, I ditched Chrome because of swing stutter; Firefox just doesn't work with this at all on my PC, so I ended up having to go back to using IE.
The thing is it works much better, except I get one round and then it all goes wrong. The pre-match advert never loads, just sits there with the spinny thing going round. You refresh and the same thing happens again and again. In the end I have to reboot the PC. I get one round (if I'm lucky) and can't play again because things end up on some loop that never ends. If I'm lucky and it does load it crashes at the turn.
I a aware that my game will never improve while I use the PC I have because the CPU is always playing catch up, but I still enjoy a round - when I get the chance.
Anyone know why this is happening and can I solve it?
Oh and this forum is awful; I appears to have format problems, ignores instructions, auto spell changes (I typed 'better' and it changed it to Bête - which of course is used far more often..) I type a sentence and spaces or letters are not registered, I have to go through and edit my post because it made me seem illiterate (or 14).