when i open wgt.com, i cannot loggin. the user id and password section doesn't appear.
So impossible to loggin.
it's block at 100 %.
I try to loggin from france.
How did you post this then? You would have to be logged in to do it.
Check system requirements over there>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
It's a friend whos posted via my account.
He can loggin on my account from Belgium....and me not.
Go here http://www.macromedia.com/support/documentation/en/flashplayer/help/settings_manager07.html and delete all your flash. Maybe that will fix it.
Sounds like you dont have flash player at all,Firefox needs a flash pluggin,IE too.Chrome doesnt it has its own
Same right now game goes to 64% then stops can anyone explain this corruption.
Btw Dont do any Wgt surveys - there corrupt too. lol