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Re: Higher level equality

rated by 0 users
Sat, Aug 8 2015 4:55 AM (4 replies)
  • WalterHagenJnr
    433 Posts
    Sun, Aug 2 2015 7:21 AM

    Seems to me that some of the higher levels (L90 upwards) may have been the product of earlier rules. It is very frustrating playing with inferior equipment against players of similar skill level and no chance of upgrading for months due to the XP points required.

    It was recognised that newer players at lower levels would welcome the chance to buy into accelerated level increases, but higher levels miss out. In fairness those at higher levels have paid their dues and should be rewarded.

    Perhaps an acceleration point bonus based on the amount of credits invested in the game from the time a player joins WGT?

    Whatever would be the best and most practical method is debatable, however it is an area of inequality which needs redressing...

    5,835 Posts
    Thu, Aug 6 2015 5:41 AM

    Walter you have simply Tiered up too fast  :) mate.

    You have now recognised what is needed to be a little more competitive within the tiers.

    Personally, right now if I were you , I would keep your new Big Bertha Driver , Sell the other 2 drivers and add a couple of extra Cleveland wedges which will see you landing closer to the green on  more approaches.

    Maximise your CDP bonus, you do have an XP Boost available to you in the Pro Shop if you wish. Buy it on the 1st game of the day  at the 9/18th hole and use it for another 9 or 18 as well.

    point bonus based on the amount of credits invested

    That would be totally unfair.








  • SweetiePie
    4,925 Posts
    Thu, Aug 6 2015 8:19 AM


    Walter you have simply Tiered up too fast  :) mate.

    This is true Walter and there is no way to un-ring the bell. You have been here about 10 months, you have done well quickly. This speed of promotion comes at a price: lack of experience. So truthful is this, that if you had every single top dog club & ball in your bag right now, it would not improve your current competitive abilities. Only experience and time will.   ~ SP ~ 

  • alosso
    21,092 Posts
    Thu, Aug 6 2015 8:45 AM

    In fairness those at higher levels have paid their dues and should be rewarded.

    I'm afraid that this won't happen. There have been low level Legends at any time, and there has been a Low Level Legends CC, too.

    Each player must contribute to the company's revenue. Lower Levels do so by buying equipment at outrageous prices only to see that they need better equipment the day after. Higher Levels do it by grinding their way through the levels, when it's 40,000 (to L90) to 250,000 XPs (to L99) between the levels.

    This business model based on grinding won't change soon.

  • Joshnosh
    548 Posts
    Sat, Aug 8 2015 4:55 AM

    There business model is genius, for making money in a way, they give you loads of stuff early on every level new stuff, then, you liked getting new stuff then you grind n grind to get new stuff again.

    It all depends on what you want to do, if you want to just have fun, then it dont matter, if you want to play R2G then you want to get there fast, i hate being such a low level legend