Excuse me, you must be living on another planet. The "WGT" here does nothing to fix any existing problems, period. They are intent on creating more, and more, problems , ad infinitum, and completely ignoring their customer base. I have been here since May 2011, and have seen this once wonderful game turn into a steaming pile of crap with a side of excrement. If I treated my business customers like this, I would have none. I have no clue what their agenda is, but, it is certainly not business oriented. Bottom line is, they had a great game, we all loved it, they kept "fixing" it until most of us hate it. They keep feeding us *** about how 1000's of people email them telling how they're making the game better, when in reality, the game is less enjoyable day after day. Not that any of this matters, we complain, they don't listen, the cycle repeats itself. Eff 'em !
Doc :(