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Re: Mighty Roo Slayers

rated by 0 users
Tue, Aug 4 2015 5:53 PM (1 replies)
  • jenwren
    2,783 Posts
    Tue, Aug 4 2015 3:11 AM


    The Mighty Roo Slayers is looking for a new owner.  The current owner (jenwren) has had a tough year so far and in need of a break.  Our CC is currently Australian based but we do take from any country so a new owner does not have to be exclusively Australian.

    Our CC is currently Level 8 but the owner has never been one to ask people to buy those retched CC passes as she thinks it is a waste of credit.  

    The person we want has to be dedicated to running the CC by way of encouraging it to grow in membership.  All tiered players have always been welcomed to the CC as long as they are active players.

    Must be people friendly but also a problem solver and advisor to lower tiered players.

    Most of the time we have played all tiered comps together, but also separate tiered ones as well.  We also ran forum based comps and was thinking of introducing a handicapped system.

    We can be quite chatty while in games together which makes us quite friendly and a joy to play other members.

    We are hoping to find someone who will take this ownership on and it will not cost any credits as it will be just a transfer.

    If we cannot find someone to do this, the CC will unfortunately close.

    If interested, contact me by my profile page.



  • jenwren
    2,783 Posts
    Tue, Aug 4 2015 5:53 PM

    I have had one reply so far.