ok, i started playing wgt in 2009. i bought the ping g10 pro set of clubs. when the new leveling system came out they put me in the master level,which is fine. the problem is i my driver avg distance is still the same. i see others with the same club and same master level out driving me by 20 to 40 yrds. how do i increase my distance
mad56: i see others with the same club and same master level out driving me by 20 to 40 yrds. how do i increase my distance
You can't increase the distance of a club. The people who are out driving you were probably masters before the change or leveled up enough to get the master version...
Mad56 is apparently hitting the 9.5-degree loft G10 driver, rated at 250 yards, while the longer players are probably hitting the 8.0-degree loft G10, rated at 270 yards. Mad56 can buy that club at Level 58.
oh ok thanks for the help