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Re: Will anybody ever make it to Champion?

Mon, Sep 14 2015 8:53 AM (55 replies)
  • Jimbog1964
    8,378 Posts
    Sun, Sep 13 2015 12:36 AM

    Stop red tees being allowed and no more saturation, then the averages cannot lie.

    Certainly the reds took it beyond a farce as to what should be used.  In fairness to a couple of reds I am sure they can play a bit, and ultra low is lots of work.  Some of those 49s / 50s though are practically standing on your head stuff with just an OK ball - looks v silly in that tier.

    Before though we had the easy courses being pounded by some.  I also really doubt WGT have decided much as it stands.

    IMO at least choose players who often play more than CC stuff and / or bang Beth F9 or BoEasy to crap- real often do more.  I can't see any science beyond that being applied, but if WGT want to surprise please feel free.  Basically I doubt the bar will be real high, and whilst fine with it if is real high I do think the standard must be way higher than now for champ, and yes set saturation to infinity.

  • alanti
    10,564 Posts
    Sun, Sep 13 2015 1:47 AM


    You can look to mine profile and you is see for you self that al mine scores are done the proper correct way that peoples ar call rank rounds.

    That ar how is is how I has becomes the tour legend

    Yes and for this you deserve respect. Add to this you have helped countless players over a long period of time.

    A title well earned and it is a pity that WGT somewhat belittled the title by including red tee stroke rounds into the calculations, and IMO was one of the biggest brainfarts WGT has had (and they have had a few).

    So as the red tees still count, there will be some "champions" who will not truly earn their stripes. 

    But those players like Kilbraur who earned the TL (and those who "earn the Champion) titles can hold their heads high. A title or an average is just that - it can be manipulated and the real shame is with the new tiers, WGT missed the chance to rectify that.

  • Lizard69
    2,006 Posts
    Sun, Sep 13 2015 2:57 AM

    I cant help but wonder what wgt will do when they have 1800 champions and 30 tl's in 6 months time?

    A time will come where one of the tiers will fall away as it wont have any members in it lol

    Lord knows why they didn't just do these new tiers properly, hell, I don't even want to be a champ because of the total "red tee" farce surrounding it all..

  • alosso
    21,073 Posts
    Sun, Sep 13 2015 3:04 AM

    I cant help but wonder what wgt will do when they have 1800 champions and 30 tl's in 6 months time?

    I don't see that coming.

    The new shiny tiers should be enough of encouragement to Legend players and below to go for it - new TLs will be born as long as the game in total is attractive.

  • Therockdoctor
    232 Posts
    Sun, Sep 13 2015 3:09 AM

    Thing is you dont have to blast out round after round from the reds i did it playing mostly rg's and my avg at the change was 58.6 or there abouts yes some scores from the reds which make me think that assessing tier change takes into account the settings each round is posted on not just the actual score...

  • DanC2807
    1,037 Posts
    Mon, Sep 14 2015 8:53 AM

    There are many "champions" who can't break 30 from the regular tees.  For the time being, to me, it's a meaningless tier that I will eventually attain through regular play from the tips.   To those who truly are the champions of this game, I salute you.