I have enjoyed all the new features WGT has added the past couple of months like Alternate Shot and Blitz. But has anyone else noticed that the more they add and almost every time they have Scheduled Maintenance that the meter keeps getting worse? Also, for the past few weeks I have trouble even and playing games. Good luck being able to zoom into a shot, because it will not load. It's like every time they add on the playing experience gets worse.
I get anywhere between 15 Mps and 20 Mps consistently with no problems on any other downloads or programs.I also have more than the minimum requirements that WGT suggests. So I know it's not this powerhouse Falcon Mach V $5000 piece of machinery sitting in front of me. If any of you don't know what a Falcon computer is just Google it, and you will see it's top of the line you can't get any better. I also do everything WGT recommends as far as clearing cache and flash storage the whole nine yards. So, before any of you say I'm not doing my part and I'm not doing something right on my end, you are wrong. I am doing everything and more on my end, it's WGT not holding up there end.
Oh I have posted my latest speed test results,so any of you will now I am not lying about my connection speed. I know a lot of people complain about meter problems, and I think it's no coincidence that the more they add the worse the game gets. It's a shame have all this power and speed and can't even get a zoom shot or my next shot to load properly.