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Re: Can the top players leave the 50c RGs alone please

Wed, Aug 26 2015 2:27 PM (32 replies)
  • derekortt
    673 Posts
    Tue, Aug 25 2015 8:37 AM


     imo  the 50 cr rg*s are great competition for all,also to see where you stack up skill wise  & you rarely see the top $ earners playing them, thats fine :) , if you already enjoy the courses WGT chooses for the rg*s & get your credits back thats good imo, place top 10 great, top 3 sweet!  the low cr rg*s are just plain fun..          ..even if i had 1 mill in credits i wouldnt exchange 165,000 credits for a  $250 gift card, not good math imo..                                                                                                                                                                             :edit well maybe i would get 1 amazon card lol, theres only so much gear & balls to  use & gift w/ a mill in credits :))   ..

    unless WGT does the right thing and allows CASH CONVERSION of credits, the only thing of value is the gift cards, despite the horrible math


  • chrisironsbones
    3,524 Posts
    Tue, Aug 25 2015 1:53 PM

    Dont talk about those damn gift cards, I had been saving up to get a $250 gift card for a couple of years in 2011 onwards and was nearly there, then WGT decide to pull them from the Elite Shop which got a few players annoyed.  because there was nothing worht keeping credits for I decided to go on a donating streek and a few gifts later i am right down on credits (well not too down though) but then WGT decide to re introduce the gift cards.  trouble is you think I can find a match play challenge game nowerdays to boost my credits back up (+ have you seen the price of a pack of balls nowerdays too, Cost more than real ones) All in all, credits dont seem to rise as quickly any more, so even a double your money in 50c ready go's are something, as you dont seem to make hardly anything unless you score 56 in any other ready go 9or your name happens to begin with a F and can stick to metal

  • MrQueez
    559 Posts
    Wed, Aug 26 2015 2:27 PM

    trouble is you think I can find a match play challenge game nowerdays to boost my credits back up

    I'm more than willing to MPC you anytime.  You might have better luck with the other guy.