Meter jumps is a way that WGT can consistently make money... image the difference when you play with nice new Nikes, 650 a pop of 3. Now you play a game, trying out your new balls... before you know it, you're facing a stretch where you need your ball to stay in the long narrow... you've been consistent all day long. Before you know it, the meter jerks... not once, but slower and faster as it comes back.... you don't hit the ball, trying to let it way out. You try again, and on the way down the meter does its inconsistent freaks - and you lose patience with the damn thing, and just hit the ball... only to find that you hit on just before ding, but it registered a centimeter after!
Ball goes out of bounds, reset with a new ball - WGT Makes a few $ from their most consistent little money maker.
There is no way for you to show that it's not your fault, and now way to get your ball back.
Suck it up, or just stop playing - coz all we wanna do is have some fun and relax, all WGT wants to do, is make money with their weak programmers... sadly - it won't improve ... so drink some cement, and harden up :)