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Re: Advanced Buy/ Sell Options + Practice Mode

Sun, Jan 9 2011 1:58 AM (2 replies)
  • x13en
    21 Posts
    Sat, Jan 8 2011 7:26 AM


    I haven't played this game for too long, however a few things have come to mind. Also, I would like to apologize if someone has already posted something identical...


    Premium Money Back Guarantee

    This option should be a little more expensive than simply buying the clubs, otherwise you would go from club to club doing the money back guarantee and never end up buying a club. Maybe the option should be +15% or something like that. Also, the option could last for a fixed duration. e.g: 2 days, or 2 hours playing time. Finally, if you aren't satisfied with your club or ball, then you should be able to cash in for the normal price. (Since you payed +15% for the product, you would still loose money. This would hopefully prevent people for taking advantage of the option and stop them going from club to club for free).

    Try Before You Buy

    I understand that there is the 'Rent' option, but I think that this option should be free. Simple enough- you get to try the club/ ball out before you buy it. You should also get to choose how to try it out. For example, if you buy a driver, you should get to practice off the tee on the green you choose and the wind speed you  want. Or if you purchase a putter, you can practice from a certain spot on a certain green...
              Another thought is that I have seen many people think that the stats are misleading for some clubs, therefore you should be able to take a shot from the same scenario twice, once with your currently equipped club, and again with the club you are trying. This should hopefully reduce unsatisfied customers, and it will help show just how better of you are with the new club.

    My next thought is how to get rid of clubs that you no longer want. Please bare in mind that these are just suggestions and are open to improvement...

    Club Auction

    All of you will have heard of eBay, or another site where you can bid on something, or purchase something. On eBay, you can put on item on 'Buy Now' or on 'Bid'. On Buy Now, all you have to do is put in the sugnificant amount and then the item is yours. On the other hand, on Bid, you have to be the highest bidder, therefore there may be others who you are bidding against for an item. The user selling the club should be aloud to choose the price.
    Now you may be thinking that the user has to select a price lower than in the Pro Shop or no-one would buy it, and if you can get items of an auction there is no point going to the pro shop. Maybe second-hand clubs should loose stats to solve this problem. Therefore if it has been used for 2 months, maybe the speed meter should be faster, or it looses distance.

    Finally, my last option is 'Practice Mode'...

    Practice Mode features...

    There is already a practice feature, however I believe you should be able to choose exactly where the ball goes on whatever hole, therefore you will be able to master something you have been having trouble with... You should also be able to change wind speed and green speed.


    Thank-you for listening to my suggestions...

    Regards, Ben

  • x13en
    21 Posts
    Sun, Jan 9 2011 1:37 AM

    Anyone have any thoughts on this?


  • piztaker
    5,743 Posts
    Sun, Jan 9 2011 1:58 AM

    To be honest I think it's better as it is.