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Re: Max ball credit offer...

Wed, Sep 23 2015 7:39 PM (4 replies)
  • alcaucin
    9,041 Posts
    Fri, Aug 28 2015 2:46 AM

    Nice to see some different balls than Nikes this time..........such a pity it's just the hack and amateur+ ones.... ( doesn't showcase them very well )

    AND still no offer I can utilize ( 2 yrs now )

    Why the Pro+ aren't on offer too is beyond me.

    I'm starting to get a complex here..  ;-)))


  • Joshnosh
    548 Posts
    Fri, Aug 28 2015 4:17 AM

    i saw that pop up and got excited FREE balls, wait free if you spend $20, sooo generous!

    this is the inly free 2 play game i know that doesnt do , discounts the more you spend 


    $10 = 1000

    $20 = 2500

    $100 = 20000


    i dont get it people would buy more

    242 Posts
    Fri, Aug 28 2015 5:04 AM

    WOO HOO free junk balls.........Just sayin'

  • alcaucin
    9,041 Posts
    Wed, Sep 23 2015 5:49 PM


    WOO HOO free junk balls.........Just sayin' one was asking u !!

    Shoe always on till my max ball question rocks up....???


  • alcaucin
    9,041 Posts
    Wed, Sep 23 2015 7:39 PM

    One More Fookin Time.....

    IF... WGT I throw in 20 notes...

    WILL I get 3 max pro ?

    It AIN'T  rocket science ...

    a simple yes or no to a customer is all I'm asking.

    C'mon u Can do it ? Spit out a yea o a neah ?


    EDIT....I shouldn't have to PM ppl...thx tho shoe