Yeah, "nice one, Simon"
Shamed me into trying harder - as a red-tee Champeen (ahhh, all those short tee, slow green CC tournies...) who's now CC-less so only been playing the R-G's / WGT strokeplay tournaments for the past six months, and thus struggling like billy-o, I was ashamed, yet utterly unsurprised to find myself [64.00 avge] in 1975 (not a good year for me, that one) on the list.
I'm now at 1939 (not a good year for the world, that one...) and simply rocketing up the charts - and it's mere coincidence that I hit WGT's saturation point quite literally on the same day your updated list was posted. Coincidence I tell you!
But until I learn to putt, ain't no-one gonna be worrying about me in the R-G's any time soon
but seriously, thanks for picking up this particular baton - always nice to know where one stands.