The statement that was made about your computer affecting the meter may or may not be horse puckey. From what I know of this game and the time I've played it, there have NEVER been any meter problems as bad as the ones we are experiencing now. The problem lies within our computers? Really? Now you're starting to sound like some other gaming sites that blame the user and not their own product when things are faulty. How about looking at server response times for requests? Or looking at your routers to make sure they're large and fast enough to handle the traffic? I know my internet connection is 37 m/s which is more than fast enough to run this game and whatever else is on my computer at the time. Tell me more about how it's my computer after working with desktops and servers for 20 years.....pfffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffft. How about let's admit we screwed the pooch big time on the last big upgrade because that's when these problems manifested themselves.