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Re: putting practice

rated by 0 users
Thu, Jan 13 2011 8:59 PM (3 replies)
  • rhysy
    5 Posts
    Thu, Jan 13 2011 1:19 PM

    just a suggestion, may have been made before. Is there any chance of a putting practice green. CTTH comps deal with approach practice, driving takes care of itself, obviously a bit selfish but my puttings letting me down, seriously. Amazing game WGT. thanks

  • Longwedge
    885 Posts
    Thu, Jan 13 2011 4:59 PM


    This has been brought up hundreds of times...but I doubt it is on the way any time soon.  How i worked it out was to go into practice mode and play a 3 or 9 hole game.  Once you get to the green, you can practice putting until you sink the putt.  You can practice on the actual greens...just don't sink the putt, and you will eventually reach max shots and the game will automatically move you to the next hole.  No worries, practice round game stats don't count.  This is how I improved, hoped I helped.


  • rhysy
    5 Posts
    Thu, Jan 13 2011 7:44 PM

    hi long, thanks for that, i will give it a go. As i feel my putting is really holding me back i was hoping to work on it.

    cheers rhysy


  • stanley69
    14 Posts
    Thu, Jan 13 2011 8:59 PM

    you can do a practice round on any course and hit the green and putt the ball purposely off untill it's 100ft out from the pin.. and then you try it.. it's the only way to practice putt..