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Re: How much does your club spend on WGT? (You really should read this!)

rated by 0 users
Sun, Sep 27 2015 10:51 AM (4 replies)
  • tuxedo2
    5,293 Posts
    Sat, Sep 26 2015 4:25 PM

    How must does your club spend?

    We are a very small club (28 active members) and we like it that way. We are coming up on our 5TH anniversary next month, we are mostly legends and all our tournaments are always free we never play for credits!.

    The average member "budgets" around $20.00 a month for balls etc. or $6,720 a year and does not including what we paid for equipment!  (Feel free to do the math)

    I can only imagine what some of the much larger club members spend every year.

    In my club we have what we fondly call The Las Vegas Knights Country Club Tour.

    All of our tournaments are set up a year in advance and we play around 5-6 rounds of stroke play a month. We also played approximately 300 match play and alternate shot matches a year as well,  please feel free to take a look at our website, the link is shown below.

    My point here is with all the numerous "Bugs" within the game of late that it has just became too frustrating to play most of the time and frankly muti-player games are just not fun anymore with all the disconnections.

     I am reluctantly suspending all multi-player matches and reducing the number of rounds we play by 50% in 2016 until I am convinced the "Bugs" are fixed, this will more than likely reduce membership spending by 50% as well.

    We will continue well into 2016 and beyond and we are still looking for two more British or English speaking  Europeans who just enjoy playing this sometimes silly but mostly great game we all love!

     If you are interested in joining us for the remainder of this year as well as our 2016 Ryder Cup Event please contact me personally either by posting on my wall or send me a friend request  as the direct request for membership is currently closed.

    Everyone is invited to visit our website shown below.




  • Gtrrdr3
    19 Posts
    Sat, Sep 26 2015 9:19 PM

     "I am reluctantly suspending all multi-player matches and reducing the number of rounds we play by 50% in 2016 until I am convinced the "Bugs" are fixed, this will more than likely reduce membership spending by 50% as well."  I think you're on to something if you can get other clubs to participate!  Also, I took a look at your site and it is awesome!  Looks like you care about what you are doing, keep up the good work!!  




  • rfgraham1
    2,739 Posts
    Sun, Sep 27 2015 6:54 AM

    Messaged this to customer services not hopeful of a positive reply or any action?

    Everyone on WGT is complaining about disconnections on alt shot games. What are you doing to resolve the problem, if anything at all?

    Why do we get a white screen with an explanation mark?

    Why do I get a blue screen after checking my opponents stats etc?

    Why do we need the the silly comments which come on a random basis after a so called great shot, this is something for children surely?

    Every time you guys change something whether for better or worse another problem is created.

    I and many of my colleagues are sick to the teeth with your silly tampering. When I first joined WGT everything was kind of normal but each time you add another unnecessary thing like bird songs, applause, wow thats in the garden spot etc something else goes wrong. 

    Would you please try and sort this great program out as a lot of people are getting sick of the problems.

    Some clubs including my own have had to suspend alt shot and match play competitions within the clubs as it is so unlikely that a game can be completed.

    If you would read the cc corner forum posts you would see how unhappy we all are.

    Get it sorted!


    On behalf of everyone who is fed up which includes my whole country club and several others.

  • SwingingRoofer
    456 Posts
    Sun, Sep 27 2015 7:16 AM


  • tuxedo2
    5,293 Posts
    Sun, Sep 27 2015 10:51 AM

    Thanks GT can you tell I have way too much free time? ;)

    Key thing is too keep things interesting and fun and multi-payer games are just too frustrating to play at the moment.