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Re: W.G.T

Mon, Sep 28 2015 8:46 AM (3 replies)
  • sueomeara
    3,197 Posts
    Mon, Sep 28 2015 6:45 AM

    Hey WGT,

    Why when we have these clash matches don't you split clubs up into divisions depending on membership size.

    Say 0  -  50, 50  -   100, 100  -  150, 150  -  200, 200   -  250.

    Then prizes could be awarded to each division instead of just those with huge memberships all the time.

    It would also encourage more c.c.'s to join in as they would then have something to play for.

    Also why not play normal green speeds instead of the ones you use now, i.e. tournament 12 NOT tournament 11 etc.

    People will only play if they think it's worth while and if it's fun.

    Also as I'm talking about c.c.'s, why don't you check out all those c.c.'s that are dead and need to be buried, and memberships that have long since quit the game. Then you might find your servers will hold up better when they are freed up of out of date data.

    Also why waste time and money putting in things that most people just turn of i.e. commentary, birds whistling etc.

    It just makes thing so messed up that people are now very very fed up with the whole game. Fed up with getting booted, fed up with facing the wrong way,fed up with a jumpy meter, fed up with winds that don't exist, fed up with dots that aren't true, and fed up with holes that don't appear to be where we see them. To name but a few things of which there are many.

    This used to be the best golf game out there but now it's just agony to play it.



  • ct690911
    7,205 Posts
    Mon, Sep 28 2015 7:15 AM

    Good post Sue.....Unfortunately, like most companies, until they get some serious competition, there is no incentive for them to improve anything based on the many complaints about specific glitches...they just keep jamming crap in the pro shop and adding bells and whistles that don't work very well (and that most players don't want). 

    What is needed for WGT to legitimately improve the site, or even repair the current glitches, is for another strong golf site to show up on the scene. 

    The outrageous prices they charge for decent kit and balls will also come down.

    Competition for $$$ is the key.


  • bubbsboy
    6,879 Posts
    Mon, Sep 28 2015 7:52 AM

    Been issues for a long time now folks, i still read forum but dont come on to ask why this, when that anymore as its a waste of time.

    Glitches, bells and whistles will continue as forum complaints to WGT are secondary to £££.

    Friend requesting folk to then invite to club has brought to light to me the amount of mobile users there are and that makes WGT happy, play as you go game this is really, the market for sitting on laptop or PC is wavering at best.

    Just the pair of you socialise within your country clubs and have a laugh whilst trying to make the bit you can control a bit of fun, leave multi games and RGs alone is my advice.


  • jpfromuk
    627 Posts
    Mon, Sep 28 2015 8:46 AM

    Spot on Sue... great post