playing a round and on the 2nd hole the reverse view icon for putting wouldn't work...had to go to chip view to get to reverse view...
then that quit working too, so I had to zoom and hit the space bar to get to reverse...then it quit....restarted game, same thing.
so I killed the browser after clearing the cache, cleared the flash cache, ran Ccleaner, then restarted the PC to clear memory....
if I asked the lady that cleans my house to do as much cleaning as I did she would charge me triple the money and probably never come back...
Anyway when I fired it back up the putting view worked fine, but here is the reason for the post, it took several attempts and holes to get my club distances straightened out...
My irons(only irons) would go different club distances, like the 150 would go 120...165 185... the 135 /160 for example...after a few restarts and attempts it went back to normal but I have never seen that happen before....
This happened in a CC tournament on kiwiah...yesterday on kiwiah I had 226 yds to hole #2, hit a 3i and hit it as played...the ball disappeared right and then it said the shot went 246yds in brush, lost went right with a 12-14mph crosswind coming from the right, not possible as the ball was struck...I submitted a error report and haven't heard from them yet but would like my ball back please...
The End