Here are my suggestions, ...So far. :)
- Swing Meter to remain in view
After taking the swing, the meter ''bar' which includes the final swing placement, club selected and spin used, disappears.
If we could keep this in view, Static. it would help us to assess and develop our game.
Its nice to add 'friends', it would be even nicer if we could add notes to these friends that would pop up on a Mouse Hover. notes to remind us about this person, Country or anything useful to help understand why you added them in the first place.
Also their country flag next to their name would be very nice anyway.
- Player 'Available' status.
When a Friend is 'in game' their status colour still stays Green. Can we get this to default to Red as soon as they join a game?
This would prevent inviting friends that are currently playing and disrupting them.
- Email notifications of Profile and Country Club activity
Currently there is no 'alert' to inform us that there has been a post in out Profile blog or more importantly new topics or announcements in the CC Forum. The CC owner should also have the ability to send mass email to all members announcing a New Topic in the Forums that they feel everyone should be aware of.
- Camera view whilst taking a shot.
At the moment some of the views we are given to take our shot with can often be high and far away, off to one side or even at times when in a bunker we cannot see our player at all. Changing to the green view can help but is also awkward at times.
A view (camera) which is consistently behind the player, slightly above and with a direct line to the pin is needed.
There are times when a player is taking excessive time to load into his shot, usually far more than the shot timer. Often other players will simply leave the game, leaving this player to load into an empty game.
Also times when a player may be disruptive either in chat or deliberately miss hitting on the fairways to hold up other players and generally being a nuisance.
An ability to click on this players name and 'Vote To Kick', with a selection of "reasons" would help in these frustrations.
Other online games employ this. Players with consistently the same 'Kick Reasons' are monitored. If a player has had too many kicks they are Warned/ Credit penalties may be applied and ultimately banned. Also if a player is a compulsive 'Kicker' with too many failed votes the same applies.