Can someone make a reccomendation on a good Driver, Wood or Hybird to help get you out of those ever so fun lies in the rough?
Lvl 6 plus would be preferred...
You can't use a driver on anything but a tee...if the lie is very low, just use your standard hybrid/3 wood...anything more than 30% lie and you should really use an iron
I punch my 3W out of first-cut rough.
In the second cut, weeds, or fescue, you might want to punch a 7-to-9 -iron... i don't know the best technique there. Maybe I ought to figure it out sometime!
Noob you are wrong there. A driver can be hit off the ground if you use the right type of shot which is the punch. I don't know how effective it would be from the rough. But due to the low trajectory it works well if you need to go under trees.I have used it many times on # 5 at St. Andrews when I dropped my 3 wood in favor of 4 wedges and the 3 iron was too short to reach the green. I have made the green this way about 75 to 80 % of the time. There are a few other places where the punched driver off of the ground would work fine. There are few places where it wont work because the extremely low trajectory of the shot wouldn't get over the trouble, like # 4 @ BPB but most places it's good.
Sorry guys i am a noobie and should have pharsed my question better...So I am currently at LVL 20 and I have upgraded my putter and I am now looking at a good club to help me when I land in the rough spots, which seems to be every other shot... :^)
Any suggestions would be great oh and I have about 500 to 600 creds to work with so I am kinda limited on the type of club to get...